Charity No. 1115711
Supporting the older Irish community since 1993
Helpline - 02074280471
Mon-Fri, 10am to 1pm
Irish Elders and Friends Lunch Club
Irish Elders and Friends Centre
St Thomas More Hall, 9 Henry Road, London, N4 2LH
Click here for a map
All welcome to our friendly lunch club, hosted by the older Irish community and open to all. The meal is a roast dinner, plus desert, teas, coffees and biscuits. We provide around 3000 hot meals per year to older people.
This is a mixed-needs lunch club which welcomes people who are growing older in many different ways. We are an inclusive lunch club with support on-site for older people with higher needs.
Our food is prepared on-site by Joan O'Connor, Irish chef. ​​
There is no need to book - just turn up on the day.
Thursday Lunch Club - £3
11am - Doors open, all welcome to teas, coffees and biscuits
1pm - Lunch is served
3pm - End
Irish Lunch - £5
4th Thursday of every month
Irish Lunch with live music from Mick O'Connor (banjo), Mick Bailey (guitar and singer) and guests.
11am - Doors open, all welcome to teas, coffees and biscuits
1pm - Lunch is served, music starts and the bar opens
4pm - End
Inclusion Workers
We have two Inclusion Workers at our Lunch Clubs. This ensures no-one is left on their own, people are assisted when they need help and everyone feels part of the community of friends.
Drop-In Advice Service
We run and advice service alongside our lunch club every Thursday. Older people can get advice and help with benefits, pensions, housing, cost of living support, passport renewals and other advice from caseworkers on the day.
We are very fortunate to have a wonderful team of volunteers who help run our Lunch Club. They help with everything from greeting people at the door, setting up the tables, giving out the food, clearing up, and assisting the professional chef. If you would like to volunteer at our Lunch Club, please contact Ciara at ciara@irishelders.org.uk.
If you would like to speak to someone about attending the Lunch Club, please call our Phone Helpline - 02074280471, Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm.
You can also email office@irishelders.org.uk.
Funders and Partners
The Lunch Club is a partnership project with St Thomas More Parish in Hackney. We are very grateful to the National Lottery and Caritas for their financial contribution to the Lunch Club costs. ​​​
The Lunch Club provides around 3500 hot meals every year to older people. If you would like to donate to support our work, that would be most welcome. Please click here to donate.