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The Irish Pensioners Choir

The Irish Pensioners Choir is an excellent way of meeting people from within the Irish-in-Britain community. It not only gives individuals a chance to perform some wonderful Irish music classics, but to connect socially with those of a similar age.


You can learn more about the Irish Pesnioners choir and how to join by visiting their website:

The Irish Pensioners Choir Album Available Now for Preorder

Songs of Love and Emigration: Two
By the Irish Pensioners Choir

Featuring the legendary Irish singer, Derm
ot Hegarty
£10 for a double CD with 20 songs Available to pre-order now!

A beautiful album of songs of an older Irish generation by members of the Irish Pensioners Choir, past and present.
Produced by Gerry Diver in partnership with the Irish Elderly Advice Network.

For information or to join the wonderful Irish Pensioners Choir, contact Nora Mulready
, Choir Director or 02074280471.

Special thanks to Ireland Fund GB and Irish Government Emigrant Support Programme for their support for this historic project.

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